“Slaying the Beast from the East” and other bedtime stories for kids.
“An eerie silence permeates the cool breeze of early spring in an already tumultuous year” is how a journal entry about this subject...
O săptămână printre măslini
După o călătorie cu avionul destul de anevoioasă mai mult datorită orarului criminal si nației pestrițe cu care ești nevoit să...
From Frankfurt to Vienna
In the past month I have had the opportunity to both attend, and participate in two of the most prestigious book fairs in Europe....
Unwaxed Lemons
It's maybe the first time in the last 20 years when I've seen unwaxed lemons. Four days after we bought them, their skin get dry and shrink!
Lamb stuffed shoulder.
For this weekend, my wife Alexandra and me decided to roast a small lamb shoulder with garlic, scallion and rosemary over a bed of young...
Buch Wien 2016
On 11November I will present my book at Buch Wien. I will make a live cooking show too! http://www.rkiwien.at/eveniment/09-noi/icr-viena-...
An Instant Banana-Bread
Last weekend we went to visit our good friends Alena and Cristos. The visit was part of a delicious tradition we are trying to establish...
Curry Wurst!
I just came back from Frankfurt Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair). It was fantastic experience! As a beginner in this field (publishing), I...